2023年8月21日 星期一


Recommendations and guidelines for the treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection in Taiwan. J Microbiol Immunol Infect . 2020 Apr;53(2):191-208.

5th Guidelines Recommendations for Evidence-based Antimicrobial agents use in Taiwan (GREAT) working group.



l   Clostrium difficile屬於生長於腸道的厭氧革蘭氏陽性菌,有分成會分泌毒素的壞壞C. diff,以及無毒的善良住民。新生兒的腸道中有30-73%具有這隻細菌但大部份都不具有分泌毒素(toxin A&B)的能力,所以無需抗生素治療;2歲以上的兒童及成人卻只剩0-3%無毒素C.diff (日本做出來15%),即便如此,指引總說,沒有腹瀉就不用治療,不然你可能殺到的只是善良無害的住民喔。

l   C.diff有能力形成胞子,抵抗險惡環境,包括抗生素攻擊。有能力分泌毒素破壞腸道細胞,嚴重造成反覆性偽膜性腸炎(pseudomembranous colitis)


l   CDI: 無法解釋的不成形腹瀉,一天≧3次,且至少一項CDI lab指標(Toxin A&B+GDHDNA PCR)。人體腸道很可能有不具toxin善良的C. diff所以沒腹瀉別亂驗,可能只是驗到一堆善良的住民。

l   Recurrent CDI: 症狀改善且抗生素完治後8周內,再次腹瀉

l   Severe CDI: CDI+下列風險因子者:>65歲、>38.5 °C、≧10次腹瀉/天、因CDI劇烈腹痛、WBC >15,000 cells/μLsCr >1.5 mg/dL或比baseline >50%、確定有 pseudomembranous colitis、住到ICU、癌症、albumin <2.5 mg/dL

l   Fulminant CDI: 拉到低血壓、shockend-organ failure、嚴重併發症如腸阻塞(ileus)toxic megacolon、腸穿孔

l   Extended vancomycin dosing: 通常為了確保抑制C. Diff生長,而延長vanco治療時間(一般10)到數周

l   Extended fidaxomicin dosing: 通常為了確保抑制C. Diff生長,而延長fidaxomicin治療時間(一般10)25

l   Adjunctive fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT): 先用vancomycin將腸道菌殺光光,再用糞便移植增加成功率。


l   歐美的盛行率比台灣高,美國7.4/萬人-天,住院疾病死亡率0.48-4.5%

l   台灣,中部盛行率最高5.8-7.3、北部4.6-6.3、南部1.1-4.8/萬人-天,社區onset之住院疾病死亡率4.7%,就不高啦

l   2003-2006年開始,發現歐美的C.diff抗藥性嚴重、復發率漸增,被認為與名為Ribotype 027 (RT027,又稱為NAP1/BI/027)RT078這兩基因型的高毒力(分泌大量toxin A&B,且部分缺失tcdC 這個抑制toxin A&B分泌的基因)、高抗藥性、高復發率C.diff增加有關。有一派學者認為與2000加工原料(trehalose)RT027RT078可以利用微量的海藻糖大量繁殖。但在2011-2017年美國的盛行率有下降,推測跟大量使用fidaxomicin徹底殺菌有關係。


l   有復發過的人(初次6-23%),下一次復發的機率增加(20-36%)。台灣在醫中的CDI復發率為7.2-10.9%,與日韓接近。好在亞太區域幾乎沒有美國的RT027,不然災情會更慘重。


l   6個月大時,有30-73%兒童腸道驗出無症狀C.diff3歲時降至0-3% (如同成人)

l   小兒的CDI盛行率有穩定增加趨勢,跟美國資料類似


l   抗生素暴露(以前學是clindamycin, FQs,但臨床上tazocin用最多,所以也很常見)

l   >65

l   長期住院

l   長期使用PPI

l   inflammatory bowel diseases

l   癌症

l   幹細胞移植


l   On呼吸器



l   首先,把不必要的抗生素先停掉,其實就足以治療輕微的CDI

l   針對輕微CDI:
你選哪個都一樣有效,以vanco:metro來說,治癒率(98:90%)和復發率(5:8%)都沒有差異,所以選便宜好用的即可,在台灣多選用metronidazole PO,畢竟vanco泡水麻煩、保存不易、重點是很苦很難喝@@。那貴參參的Dificid就更不用說了,連健保都不給你用。

                            i.                Metronidazole 500 mg tid PO x 10…(9/),若療效不佳可延長到14天,但會增加神經毒性風險。(強建議、高證據) (1A)

                           ii.                Vancomycin 125 mg qid PO x 10…(IV泡水72/天;膠囊240/) (強建議、高證據) (1A)

                         iii.                Fidaxomicin 200 mg bid PO x 10…(2128/) (弱建議、高證據) (2A)

l   針對嚴重CDI:
此時Metronidazole的角色降低 (療效與復發率表現較差),主要給vancomycinFidaxomicin為主,後者因為價格尊爵不凡,健保限制要用過一線的metrovanco無效或復發才可使用。但使用metrovanco會有增加VRE的風險。

vancomycin vs fidaxomicin:


                            i.                Vancomycin 125-500mg qid PO x10 (因為腸道不吸收,125mg qid足以累積濃度達500-1000MIC,所以大多給125mg足矣) (強建議、高證據) (1A)

                           ii.                Fidaxomicin 200 mg bid PO x 10(弱建議、高證據) (2A)

                         iii.                Teicoplanin 200 mg bid PO x10 (弱建議、低證據) (2C)


l   Vancomycin extended regimen:
125 mg qid PO x14
, then 125 mg bid PO x7, 125 mg qd PO x7, 125 mg PO qod x7, 125 mg q3d PO x7-21 (總共6–8 ) if vancomycin extended regimen was not previously used.

這種拉長治療的方法(end with Q3D的處方)在停藥後8天腸道還驗得到濃度,被IDSA建議用於復發型CDI

l   Fidaxomicin extended regimen:
200 mg bid PO x5, then 200 mg qod PO x20(on day 7–25)總量20(同一般劑量1# BIDx10)。但比起vancomycin 125mg qid,相似治癒率,顯著減少復發率。

你會看到歐美玩了很多fancy的處方,但台灣幾乎就vanco 125mg PO qid一招打天下,說到底就是因為這裡的復發率與嚴重度都相對低得多。但真的出現多次復發CDI,我們還是建議Vancomycin extended regimen或是糞便移植療法 (一方面也是因為多次復發的病人都被trial排掉了,證據都薄弱)

l   糞便移植療法Fecal microbiota transplantation,FMT
14vancomycin 125mg處方,再用新鮮donor糞便灌腸 VS 6Vancomycin extended regimen,治癒率43.8 vs 58.3%,效果類似。另一研究發現灌一次治癒愈65%、灌兩次80%、灌兩次以上90%,可謂是越灌越有效,想來也合理,就使努力把腸道變成健康人的形狀嘛~

l   針對Fulminant CDI:

                            i.                Vancomycin 125–500 mg PO qid + metronidazole 500 mg IV tid (強建議、低證據) (1C)

                           ii.                Vancomycin 125–500 mg PO qid + vancomycin 0.25–1 g Rectal bid-qid (若建議、極低證據) (2D)

                         iii.                手術: 結腸切除術(全切優於部分切)、迴腸末端造口(end ileostomy) (強建議、低證據) (1C)

之所以要給IV metro是因為Fulminant CDI可能會導致嚴重腸阻塞、毒性巨結腸症(toxic megacolon)而降低胃腸蠕動,減少vanco抵達患部的量。並用的療效增加,死亡率從36%降至16%




l   Fusidic acid

l   Tigecycline

都是沒任何招時才考慮的off-label use,我是還沒看過有人這樣用就是了

   Zinplava (Bezlotoxumab 25 mg/ml) 
有趣的是,可能歐美復發型CDI太多了(RT027),默克藥廠研發了兩種單株抗體actoxumab (MK 3415) 與bezlotoxumab (MK 6072)分別binding住C.diff的toxin A與Toxin B,搭配標準殺C.diff的治療藥物 (vancomycin或fidaxomycin),用於治療復發型CDI。可惜如意算盤只成功一半,根據MODIFY I & II study...


Actoxumab失敗了,復發型CDI比率更高,但Bezlotoxumab則是明顯能降低復發率11-14%左右,可能代表Actoxumab沒有好好bind住toxin A又或是bind住了但沒效,Toxin B才是主要的治病毒素? 

無論如何,他已經被寫進2021年IDSA指引,建議6個月內復發型CDI在標準治療同時,給一劑10mg/kg,可有效降低復發率。雖然很貴一瓶4000元,美金喔!!折合台幣12萬,這還是去掉零頭的價錢@@ 果然這年頭有錢判生沒錢判屎~啊



The standard course of treatment for an initial episode of CDI is 10 days. Some patients, particularly those treated with metronidazole or with severe disease, may have a delayed response; in such circumstances, treatment may be extended to 14 days. For patients with inflammatory bowel disease, an extended duration of 14 days is also appropriate. If continuation of antibiotic(s) for a primary infection is essential, we continue CDI treatment for one week after completion of other antibiotics.

* The criteria proposed for defining severe or fulminant CDI are based on expert opinion and may need to be reviewed upon publication of prospectively validated severity scores for patients with CDI. Patients with severe or fulminant CDI also warrant assessment for surgical indications; refer to UpToDate topic on treatment of CDI for further discussion.

¶ For patients with nonfulminant disease, we suggest a fidaxomicin-based regimen over a vancomycin-based regimen. In addition, for patients with nonfulminant recurrent disease and prior CDI in the last 6 months, we suggest adjunctive bezlotoxumab. Use of fidaxomicin or bezlotoxumab have each been associated with a small benefit with respect to CDI recurrence rates (10 to 15% decrease). In the setting of cost constraints, we prioritize use of these agents for patients at greatest risk for CDI recurrence (age ≥65 years, severe CDI, or immunosuppression). Vancomycin remains an acceptable agent for treatment of initial and recurrent CDI.

Δ Systemic absorption of enteral vancomycin can occur in patients with mucosal disruption due to severe or fulminant colitis; this consideration is particularly important for patients with kidney insufficiency (creatinine clearance <10 mL/minute). Therefore, monitoring serum vancomycin levels is warranted for patients with kidney failure who have severe or fulminant colitis and require a prolonged course (>10 days) of enteral vancomycin therapy.

◊ Metronidazole should be avoided in patients who are frail, age >65 years, or who develop CDI in association with inflammatory bowel disease. Caution is also warranted during pregnancy and lactation.

§ The approach to antibiotic management of nonfulminant recurrent CDI is the same regardless of severity, but varies depending on the number of recurrences, as outlined above. For patients with a recurrent episode of CDI that is severe, refer to UpToDate topic on treatment of CDI for further discussion.

¥ The bezlotoxumab prescribing information in the United States warns that in patients with a history of congestive heart failure, the drug should be reserved for use when the benefit outweighs the risk, given reports of increased heart failure exacerbations and associated deaths in such patients. In addition, data for use of bezlotoxumab combined with fidaxomicin are limited.

‡ In contrast to the above approach, some favor FMT for patients who have received antibiotic treatment for at least 2 CDI episodes (ie, initial episode plus one recurrence), who subsequently present with a third or further CDI episode (second or subsequent recurrence)[1].

† Continue dosing for 10 days. If recovery is delayed, treatment can be extended to 14 days.

** In the setting of ileus, we favor FMT over rectal vancomycin. However, such procedures are associated with risk of colonic perforation; therefore, they should be restricted to patients who are not responsive to standard therapy, and the procedure should be performed by personnel with appropriate expertise. Refer to the UpToDate topic on FMT for discussion of safety, efficacy, and delivery protocols.

¶¶ Rectal vancomycin may be administered as a retention enema, either in addition to oral vancomycin (if the ileus is partial) or in place of oral vancomycin (if the ileus is complete). Given potential risk of colonic perforation in setting of CDI, rectal vancomycin instillation should be performed by personnel with appropriate expertise.


